Category : Retail
Location : Umeda Hankyu Station
Cooperation : BOSCO
Photo : Kozo Takayama
駅の改札を出ると「earth music & ecology」の雑貨を中心としたキオスク型のライフスタイルショップが現れる。
A Kiosk-type life style shop, "earth music & ecology " , which deals with interior items, sits just next to one of the busiest station in Osaka.
The brand is familiar to many through its TV commercial,which features actress Aoi Miyazaki and renders a natural and girly image to the brand.The interior design concept is 'a small hut in a forest', where girls visit in a daily journey.
Tones of white and oak in the interior render nostalgic atmosphere, and also embed a fragrant scent in people's memories.