Field Dream

Date : November,2018
Category : Retail
Location : Aeon Mall Makuhari Shintoshin
Cooperation : JPDH co.,ltd.
Photo : Kozo Takayama

誰もが集まって仲間になれるような、訪れると新しい何かが見つかるような、気持ちを共有してみんなで盛り上がれるような、人と人が出会う居心地の良い場所を目指して”THIRD PLACE”をテーマに空間を構築。中央の溜まり場=イベントスペースを中心にして、シャツの部屋、パンツの部屋などカテゴリー毎に分けた部屋によって選びやすいレイアウトとし、ショップに点在したタッチパネルで商品を検索できるなど新しい試みを行っている。

The design theme for this shop is “a third place.”
It is intended as a space where anyone can gather and become friends; where visitors can discover new things; where they can share feelings in common and get excited – in other words, as a comfortable place for new encounters.The layout is focused on a central event space surrounded by areas organized by category, such as a “shirt room” and a “pants room,” so that shoppers can easily choose what they need. The shop also incorporates new technology such as a number of touch panels that customers can use to search for particular items.